WM5G and TechWM launch Internet of things + 5G Special Interest Group to accelerate economic growth through tech adoption

By Elizabeth Laidler
Special Interest Group
Quick Read: WM5G and TechWM have launches a 5G + IoT Special Interest Group to accelerate adoption of 5G, IoT, and AI across the West Midlands, targeting sectors like manufacturing and health to drive economic growth and innovation.
Hot on the heels of Birmingham Tech Week, WM5G – the connectivity innovation business – and TechWM – the voice for the West Midlands tech ecosystem – are delighted to announce the launch of the Internet of things + 5G Special Interest Group (SIG).
Wide-scale adoption of 5G, IoT and data/AI amongst businesses and public services has vast potential to drive economic growth – with forecast potential to add over £40 Billion - £160 Billion GVA to the UK economy in the next decade according to a recent report commissioned by the Government.
The West Midlands is brilliantly positioned to scale business adoption of 5G, IoT and data/AI for four key reasons:
- First the region has undisputed strengths in key sectors that these technologies will transform – including manufacturing, health and transport;
- Second the region has the best 5G and gigabit broadband coverage with over 95% of the region’s population and premises covered – thanks to WM5G;
- Third the West Midlands has the fastest growing tech ecosystem in the UK – led by TechWM – comprising many successful high-growth tech companies;
- Fourth the region is already leading pioneering adoption programmes; including the £4m 5G Innovation Regions programme led by WM5G with JLR in manufacturing and three major Local Authorities for social care.
The SIG will bring together business leaders, local authorities and technology providers to raise awareness and accelerate commercial uptake of 5G-enabled and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions focusing initially on the manufacturing and health & care sectors.
Robert Franks, Managing Director of WM5G, said: “Scaling business adoption of 5G, IoT and data/AI is imperative to accelerate economic growth, transform public services and help create more skilled jobs. The 5G & IoT SIG will provide an independent, open-to-all technology ecosystem where industry leaders can work together to develop connectivity-powered initiatives to realise this exciting potential. We’re excited to be working with TechWM to galvanise the tech ecosystem around this opportunity.”
Companies interested in the 5G/IoT SIG should contact WM5G at:

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